WEEK 2, Chapter 8 第八章

Today, we are going to:

1. Review the words we learned last week.
2. Study new words: 人,学生,小学生,今年,班,同,同学, 有的
3. play games based on what we learned.

Homework this week:
    1. Finish the writing sheet
    2. Finish work book chapter 8 (skip the Character writing part)
    3. review words using quizlet:   https://quizlet.com/_3lpah4

       4. Watch the video Cute! 可爱 , (when you watch, think what Chinese words do you hear that you understand, we will discuss on the next class)

    5. YCT registration paper return on Sep 9th if you decide to take the test.



WEEK 3, Chapter 13 第十三章

WEEK 1, Chapter 15 第十五章

WEEK 1, Chapter 11 第十一章