WEEK 1, Chapter 11 第十一章

What we study this Saturday:
1. Chapter 10 quiz
2. study chapter 11 words:请 to 起

Homework this week:
1. Finish Writing sheet: from 请 to 起 (study pinyin, meaning and should recognize when see the words)
2. Finish worksheet of Chapter 10 (CSL 3 Chapter 10 quiz)
3. Preview the rest words in Chapter 11 and read text in Chapter 11 for at least 3 times
4. Review Chapter 8 by:
     a) use quizelet to review words (recognize, meaning and pinyin):
     b) re-read and re-memory text in Chapter 8, and review sentence:
         你是哪国人?(what nationality are you?)
         我是美国人。(I am an American)  Or any country we've learned in Chapter 8
       I will check your reviewing of  Chapter 8 words and sentence next week
5. Finish pumpkin draw and turn it to the front desk next week for the contest



WEEK 3, Chapter 13 第十三章

WEEK 1, Chapter 15 第十五章