WEEK1, Chapter 12 第十二章


1. Do tones drill, get the score photo, email me or show me next time:

2. . Practice reading 4 tones, if you know how to do, use the vocaroo (https://vocaroo.com/) to record your reading and send it to me:
āáǎà  áǎàā   áàāǎ    àǎáā
Pinyin: mā ma qí mǎ,  mǎ màn mā ma mà mǎ
Chinese characters: 妈妈骑马, 马慢, 妈妈骂马.
3. Finish Writing sheet (), and review these words’ pronunciation, tones, and meaning at home:


4. 2048 game, (read out word when play), get photo, email me or show me the next class.

http://wzhd.github.io/2048-custom/?l1=口&l2=日&l3=几&l4=两&l5=分&l6=半&l7=点&l8=现&l9=刻&l10=闹&l11=钟&l12=闹&t=2048&d=Join the numbers and get to the 2048 tile!&

4. Keep listening and read chapter 12 text for at least 3 times, again, you can use vocaroo to record your reading and email to me.

5. Watch video about 6 single vowels:




WEEK 3, Chapter 13 第十三章

WEEK 1, Chapter 15 第十五章

WEEK 1, Chapter 11 第十一章