WEEK 2, Chapter 12 第十二章

Homework this week:

1. Finish Chapter 12 work book
2. memory text in Chapter 12
3. Memory 6 single finals in Pinyin in the order and the Chinese character they are associate :
a                 father     ah (ā)

o                 sore        roster’s sound  ()

e                 the          goose (é)

i                  yee          one  ()

u                 women    five ()

ü                 two          fish  ()
4. On a white paper, write down what are intial and what are final in pinyin, give an example

5. keep using quizlet to review all the words in chapter 12

6 . If you haven't submited your story draft for the show and tell contest to me, finish it and submit to me next week. (the contest is on March 24)



WEEK 3, Chapter 13 第十三章

WEEK 1, Chapter 15 第十五章

WEEK 1, Chapter 11 第十一章