WEEK 3, Chapter 15 第十五章

Homework this week:
1. Review text in Chapter 15 by listening and reading. Please use your CD or my vocaroo to make your tones and pronouciation correctly:  https://vocaroo.com/i/s0xJlQdSyPek 
2. Use vocaroo to record your best reading of Chapter 15 text and send to me.
3. Finish all the practice problem in your work book and text book
4. watch video: 泰迪的一天
Think about: meaning of 很开心,很生气,很伤心,很渴,很累,很饿,很困



WEEK 3, Chapter 13 第十三章

WEEK 1, Chapter 15 第十五章

WEEK 1, Chapter 11 第十一章