BOOK 3, WEEK 2 第一课


1. Finish writing sheet, turn to me this saturday
2. Finish text book
3. review words and text in chapter 1
4. record your reading either using vocaroo or using voice record on your phone phone and send to me
5. watch video about the Chinese idiom  shǒu zhū 待 dài( waiting for rabbits by the tree) and answer following question
a) how did the farmer get the rabbit?
b) After the farmer get the rabbit, what was the farmer's attitude to his job?
c) What do you learn from this story.

6. study vocabulary contest 51-100 using quizlet



WEEK 3, Chapter 13 第十三章

WEEK 1, Chapter 15 第十五章

WEEK 1, Chapter 11 第十一章